My thoughts following Semi Permanent (2019)

My thoughts following Semi Permanent (2019)

So, it's actually been a wee while since Semi Permanent Auckland actually happened (turns out two holidays and having your arm in a cast for a few weeks really takes up a lot of your spare time!), but I still have quite a lot of thoughts about what was discussed. This year's post I am categorising all my notes into five main topics; inclusivity, accountability, limitations, future thinking, and individuality.

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Mentoring at Startup Weekend (2019)

Mentoring at Startup Weekend (2019)

Over the 12-14th July I was a mentor at Wellington's 2019 Startup Weekend. For those who are unaware of what Startup Weekend is all about, it is a gathering of innovative people to think up a startup idea and develop it over the course of 54hrs, and then pitch it to a group of industry leaders - the winners getting some awesome prizes to help kick off their new startup business!

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Fighting Imposter Syndrome

Fighting Imposter Syndrome

Wow, it's been quite a while since I last did a post on here. I've been battling with myself over where I see this blog heading in the future - the types of posts I want to write, how regularly I want to publish, heck even the aesthetic of the site itself. Then time just went on and on and on, and it hit me that the longer I went without posting, the less I felt like I was "allowed" to post, like if I am not posting regularly then what is the point of it all anyway?

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My experience with innovation programme, Smart Seeds (2018)

My experience with innovation programme, Smart Seeds (2018)

Earlier on in the year I took part in an innovation programme called Smart Seeds. It was twelve jam-packed weeks of researching, ideating, planning, meeting and presenting - and honestly it's still going many months later!

Smart Seeds is a worldwide, design-lead innovation programme focused on solving complex challenges facing the world and is targeted towards young professionals. It's all about getting upcoming leaders with a range of experiences to come up with solutions that benefit their community.

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Screen-printing for the first time

Screen-printing for the first time

Last week I attended my first ever screen-printing class. I have adored this technique from afar for many years but always thought it was just far too technical and complicated, and that I would muck it up somehow so never actually tried to do it. It wasn't until The Design Kids advertised that they were going to have a class run by Home-Work that I thought "why not" and signed up the moment tickets were on sale!

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Being on antidepressant medication

Being on antidepressant medication

For a lot of you who know me in real life, and who follow me on social media, you would likely know that I have been on antidepressants for the past few years. Four years in fact. About halfway through last year I decided it was time me to try life without them, and in April this year (with the help of my doctor) I started to ease myself off them, and at the end of August I was completely clean.

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Taking My Place: C3 Church conference

Taking My Place: C3 Church conference

A few weekends ago a group of friends and I from my church packed up our pastor's car and headed on up to Taupō to go to our church's National Gathering of Creatives conference! I learnt a heck of a lot at this conference, it's theme was Take Your Place. I went into the conference not exactly knowing where my "place" in the creative world is, and I came out, not knowing per se - but with a little bit of comfort about where I am creatively at the moment. To me, taking my place means feeling empowered and using my authenticity within my personality and channelling that into my creative work.

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Mental health update (2017)

Mental health update (2017)

I figured it was time to give you guys an update on my mental health, especially as there's quite a few changes happening with me mentally. Mainly just two major things right now, which I have noticed that quite a few of the people I see online are discussing things around these topics (especially with World Mental Health Day being sort-of recent) so I thought I'd share my input on what's going on with me.

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