My thoughts following Semi Permanent (2019)

My thoughts following Semi Permanent (2019)

So, it's actually been a wee while since Semi Permanent Auckland actually happened (turns out two holidays and having your arm in a cast for a few weeks really takes up a lot of your spare time!), but I still have quite a lot of thoughts about what was discussed. This year's post I am categorising all my notes into five main topics; inclusivity, accountability, limitations, future thinking, and individuality.

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Mentoring at Startup Weekend (2019)

Mentoring at Startup Weekend (2019)

Over the 12-14th July I was a mentor at Wellington's 2019 Startup Weekend. For those who are unaware of what Startup Weekend is all about, it is a gathering of innovative people to think up a startup idea and develop it over the course of 54hrs, and then pitch it to a group of industry leaders - the winners getting some awesome prizes to help kick off their new startup business!

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Screen-printing for the first time

Screen-printing for the first time

Last week I attended my first ever screen-printing class. I have adored this technique from afar for many years but always thought it was just far too technical and complicated, and that I would muck it up somehow so never actually tried to do it. It wasn't until The Design Kids advertised that they were going to have a class run by Home-Work that I thought "why not" and signed up the moment tickets were on sale!

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My pen collection, must-haves for typography designers

My pen collection, must-haves for typography designers

If you know me, you know that I have a slight obsession with pens. If you don't, well, now you do! For as long as I can remember I'd always be buying new pens; glittery gel pens (that took an eternity to dry), ones with fluffy bobbles on the end (that ran out after two uses), multi-coloured ink ones (that changed colour as you wrote and you could see the coloured ink). It got to the point where I had to have seperate pencil cases for each type of pen because I simply couldn't stop buying them, and then I'd be too scared to use them because "what if they run out and I need that particular pen in an emergency?!"

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I went to Semi Permanent (2017)

I went to Semi Permanent (2017)

I went to Semi Permanent! For those of you who don't know what Semi Permanent is, it's a worldwide design conference with tonnes of artists, designers and business owners speaking about their experiences, insights and lessons. It's insanely inspirational and encouraging. This year is the first time I've attended, and I thought I'd share my experience with you guys!

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I'm in an art gallery?!

I'm in an art gallery?!

Didn't think I'd be saying this anytime soon... but I'm in an art gallery! Well, my work is! For those of you who have been following me on my Instagram you'd know that I've had this Alphabet Typography project happening over the past few months. My friend Hollie (of blackandwhitestudios) mentioned in passing that Matchbox Studios (an adorable, quirky shop and art gallery in one!) was having a typography themed art exhibition and that she was going to apply, and I figured that I was already halfway through my Alphabet Typography project so why the heck not!

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My Design Book Collection

My Design Book Collection

I have decided to start a series on my blog where I read, write and post a review of a bunch of creative-themed books. Originally, I was going to just do one master post of all the creative themed books that I have; but my collection has almost gotten into the double figures, and that would be far too big of a post if I was going to do every book justice! Plus, I'm most likely going to continue buying and reading more creative books, so why limit myself to what I have now?!

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10 things: I learnt at design school

10 things: I learnt at design school

For those of you who don't know, I have been studying Visual Communication Design (i.e Graphic Design) at Massey University's College of Creative Arts campus in Wellington, New Zealand for the past four years.

Last week (26th of October at 10:30am, to be exact) I finished my design degree! Four whole years of tertiary study and I'm all done woo! Because of this, I thought that I'd make a sequel post (check out the previous one!) about all the things I learnt at university, but this time about design school specifically.

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